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tv   KRON 4 News at 430pm  KRON  September 10, 2010 3:30pm-4:00pm PST

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to the left is worthy of their homes are that were destroyed in the blaze. as we come out here you can take a look of the neighborhood surrounding it. it's taken at this point to it looks like a ghost town. just a couple of cars driving around mostly police officers, pg&e crews making sure that this area is still safe for residents. they're still not letting residents back to their homes in this area there calling this a crime zone. at least at our vantage point in sequoia it means they've told some people in this neighborhood that they may not be able to come back until tomorrow. it's an eerie scene as to take a look around here and see this vacant neighborhood no power for this neighborhood at this point. i don't know we pan over here but you can see there's also fire truck that's moving by there's a lot of fire trucks going down the street here lot of emergency crews and here comes another
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fire truck as were talking just patrolling the area and a lot of pg&e crews that i've seen out this area and the surrounding neighborhoods checking the lines to make sure that they're safe for the surrounding neighborhoods as well. it back to you pam. >> thank you i can were waiting for news conference slated to begin from the federal officials the national transportation safety board ec to set up there as we await word from them on the status of their investigation. also stan stand firm and. >> were expecting details about the cause of this explosion again we know was the high pressure transmission line why it exploded the ntsb should give us some details or in terms of what they're doing to try and get those answers. in addition to that there are eight fire investigators run scene conducting our own investigation carried as you know fire officials went door-to-door today there were able to get through 75 percent of the homes.
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did a 25 percent or two hot that's what they told us earlier today it will be interesting to find out when to our officials have their news conference at 5:00 whether they'll be able to make it to those other homes. we can also tell you they've had a total of 25 fire companies doing the searching of these homes. still they've called in to urban search and rescue teams they see the debris is just kind of mammoth. they called to to urban search and rescue teams to help remove some of the debris so far officials can get in there and to their searching. another thing were expected to 5:00 news conference is the damage assessment. we should have some sort of dollar figure in terms of the amount of damage by this afternoon. will see if that's going to happen. i get more weight in the is conference today from the ntsb and their connecting their own investigation into the transmission lines which exploded we should have something from them at this moment. it's running a few
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minutes late and we have it for you were going to bring it. >> we will bring that to live once a begins let's check in with kimberly on web producer regarding things they found. >> federal facebook pages 7 set up about the sambar no gas explosion. let's take a full slate in see some of the pages that in talking about. here we go it's called a moment of silence for san or no gas explosion. another one supporting people for the san bruno explosion. >> want to help several fire officials this what is been the most helpful they have over 300 people liking this page and several posts put out one person just put up a post saying the oakland a's apparently does put out a statement saying they're going to have a special fire an auction tonight behind section 12100 percent of the proceeds benefiting the red cross personnel system pose going up about several businesses in the bay area for donating. one
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person i saw it donated envelopes to help the fire victims. another person heading over to the red cross this business donating right now if you'd like to donate head over to along with our continuing coverage with videos and picture slide shows of the fire coming out of san bruno. we also have links set up if you like to donate. >> this just in to the kron 4 news room we've just learned that giants infielder mom was been evacuated from the fire zone yesterday. she's fine the homes find the pair made the right to have some very but she's ok. we also learn the giants plan to donate $3 from every ticket for the farleys periods also taking donations at the game. >> alright think you so much donations continue to come in from around the bay area this is one of the area churches in san bruno offering emergency support
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you see the sign there. just one of many locations better picking goods and money and offering their time and service to help the victims of this tragedy in san bruno. look all the items that of been connected and collected to help. this is the church and several they have announced a clothes, blankets and shoes. things these thingvis will need to trample their lives back together. that's listen in now to hear what mayor gavin newsom is an have to say about this. >> we may have residents in several that worked for the city. we lost lives to some of our city employees. i can accept another utility failure the next morning but the pattern we tried to interrupt a couple years ago. >> we want to show you the orioles again. this is what we
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believe at this point is ground zero of this episode the greater ec and the left side of your screen is where we understand the first explosion really took off and spread throughout the community. kron 4 gabe slate also been working and looking through the fire zone. >> just to the south of the neighborhood back at the worst of the explosion in the fire is crossed more elementary school about cliffside behind the neighborhood. robert l. laurent live just a little ways away right by this elementary school and you're telling me about last night. what was that like? >> last night we were sitting down and we were all watching television and all the sudden there is a massive explosion. our entire house shook like a like an earthquake. honestly i felt like we were under attack. my daughter is a kindergartner and she asked me she said dad
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and i want to go save my schools ok? are you happy to see schools ok? are you glad to schools ok? it's important. >> thank you very much. gabe slate kron 4 news. >> and again these are aerial shots of the devastation left behind from the explosion and on the left side of your screen is a picture that shows you we are awaiting a news conference on the ntsb the federal investigation into what happened in all of this. were going to take a break and come back with more. rid of the mansion and the limo
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budgets were balanced. $4 billion in tax cuts. world class schools and universities. clean energy promoted. 1.9 million new jobs created. california was working. i'm jerry brown. california needs major changes. we have to live within our means; we have to return power and decision making to the local level-closer to the people and no new taxes without voter approval. jerry brown the knowledge and know-how to get california working again.
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we're awaiting a news conference from the ntsb on the left side of your screen the microphones are standing ready to wait for officials to give us an update on the investigation. on the right side dc video of the devastation left behind. what's with this we hear from one burned victim. and if >> so the creek toward door and
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open it out and i looked outside and that's when i saw the big ball of flame traded told my wife to call my mom when she screamed know so phone service no home service. i snatched my daughter to wrote the lives. will have the clothes on our back that's when the poor kid walked up to us once we knew we were across the street i could see him asking for help. he had severe burns to his body of the poor kid he said watches come from parish in front of a. sad for everybody. he is just asking for people to preform and he told my girlfriend, my girlfriend i watch your get burned out break in front of me. he could hope for a period the poor kid was just in shock. >> then job ended up on the front yard and knew he could call for help. the tally had third degree burns and is going to shock so through in the car and drove for help. i didn't think he had time to wait for merchants to people to get
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there. he was dying. he kept going on how we saw this girl friend die in the fire. she's dead, she's dead i saw are burned. then i went back and took in the hospital saw a lady and a young girl running through the neighborhood and it was his mother. and i had to tell her what happened to him. but she just collapsed rate in front of me. she couldn't stand up. she kept asking about the girlfriend and i did when the same thing because was hard enough that she had to care what happened to her son. she was in bad shape. >> bad chip is right there were many people in bad shape today following this explosion and fire last night. four people died last night at last count from this tragedy. we are awaiting a news conference. live cameras standing to bring you the news conference with the begins. or did take a break and the news conference with the begins. or did take a break and come right back.
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but what really happened? cnn -- not me -- cnn says his assertion about his tax record was "just plain wrong." jerry brown went out there and took credit for the fact that the people of california voted for proposition 13, which lowered taxes, which he opposed. and now he's going around taking credit for it. he raised taxes as governor of california. he had a surplus when he took office and a deficit when he left. he doesn't tell the people the truth.
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to learn the big local companies are donating the money to the victims in san bruno all make donations to the red cross totaling about a hundred thousand dollars today. was fargo's doing something unique with their atms locally about 85 of them they're going to give you an option when use the option you can donate to the donation of red cross. safeway is giving groceries give cards to the victims. >> we are awaiting a news conference from the ntsb you can see on the left side of your screen. were waiting for them to come to the microphone and give us an update. on the right side he could see that crews are still searching the burn area together as much information and evidence about all this is a can. the trust fund where the problems are. they're still
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doing research in the water meet sure that and everything is safe for people are allowed back in. not too long ago we heard from congressman jackie who represents san mateo county let's listen to what she had to say. >> were going to rebuild their lives, their homes since he can't bring a loved ones back were going to give them support and what they need. having lived here myself i know how devastating this can be carrie.g said that fema has a certain amount that you have to reach in order to access the individual medical. we haven't reached that threshold on going to make sure all the resources from pg&e will
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be for to make these people home again. my understanding pg&e has announced a $1 million fund that will be distributed to a foundation to individuals and families. were going to make sure that people there needs byron that to rebuild their lives. >> that was congressman jackie spiel while the leaders is been on the scene following this strategtragedy. we want to checn with their web producer kimberly was new pictures that again is and is at a news conference starts will bring it to you. >> just received a new e-mail from taylor with pictures from from yesterday. look at close tiller was you can see the police presence in the front- runner keep people from going closer towards those flames. taylor took another picture from a different vantage point on the going quicker and you can
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see how huge those flames were. you can even see the middle of your screen because it's completely blocked out by the flames. one more picture for you c,gv)+pvzsé÷hz46>r4séj)s neighbors milling about trend figure out what's going on in the neighborhood and street in front of you that thick black smoke plumes of them jutting into the sky. we did here yesterday that the flames and smoke reach as high as 60 ft. up to a hundred feet in the air appeared all over the bay area seeing those. we're continuing to take your pictures, videos and stories of >> more aerial pictures again the fire crews are still going door-to-door block to block in their search. nearly 23 hours after this started. let's check in with christine conley was near the fires on. >> were out one of the areas where there blocking off residents telling them they
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can't come 3. you see this pg&e truck that has come to the area and also chp officers are here letting residents know the very latest information. joining us now is officer taylor with the chp. he's been out here all day long tell us what you're able to tell residents rate now. >> rate now were dealing with traffic control in the scene. the the majority. our residents are concerned about getting access to their homes of a majority questions when they have access to the home, when will we allow them in? some of the concerns are that they want access to close set anything that they can use to stay overnight. >> what you tell them at this point. >> were letting them know that to the majority of them were sitting over to sam for no
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recreation center or disposed of some of the resources and maybe answer those questions to help get their prescriptions to them and also so they can get access to their homes. another location within performing to some folks are styling which i understand some the officers are allowed some the folks to have left it there on that list to giving escorts to some of the families for some of the homes. >> at this location where we are addictive told people there that may not be till tomorrow that they can get in. >> the specific location is a blockade no access no pedestrians our cars are residents or any of any sort. the information i've been given is that the earliest it would be open tomorrow. it could be a few days to read >> thank you so much officer taylor appeared a lot of residents coming up here in some
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very emotional as they're told jimmy not able to get in until tomorrow and some of them left their homes were just the clothes on their backs. people telling me that their cars are stuck inside so they can get to worked and they're hoping to get their belongings and medication and of course you've their homes are ok. >> emotional for all of us in the bay area community whose hearts " to those were suffering of from this explosion of fire. these are pictures from last night the fireball that led to all the devastation. or going to take a break and come right back.
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drive a heavy duty truck, have some heavy duty demands. like enough horsepower and torque to get out of just about any situation. a payload that beats the other guys flat out. a frame sturdy enough to bear up a max towing capacity that's over 10 tons. and a braking system tough enough to bring it all to a stop. heavy duty demands? gentlemen, your truck is ready. as we show you the ariels from last night's explosion of the fire we want to know we are waiting for two news conferences. of one from the officials with the ntsb as well as local officials from san bruno the mayor, the fire and police chief of the city. to bring us an update. there's so
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much to assess and review with this much information to collect as you might imagine considering the magnitude of this tragedy. we are waiting at this as it begins we will bring it to live. that's check in our news room had there is standing by with more. >> the massive crater that was left behind from the initial explosion. here it is right here it's just huge. right now crews on the scene car saying about 60 ft. long. 30 ft. wide they don't know how deep it is very hard to tell because this is sort of murky monday storage filled water. the thinking maybe it's about 3 ft. deep. just to give you a better idea of how big this thing us. the see these little yellow guys here? if those soulful grown men. that's a huge tract carried nothing compared to the size of this crater. >> now we are awaiting the beginning of that news conference we see a number of officials beginning to gather at
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the command center there in san bruno. the cameras are standing by and again we want to make sure you of a complete understanding of the latest developments to this tragedy unfolding in san bruno. the city manager the fire chief police chief and mayor are expected to be among those making statements today as we told you were also waiting for the ntsb but just in there on federal or view of what's happening will take a quick break and come right back. rid of the mansion and the limo budgets were balanced. $4 billion in tax cuts. world class schools and universities.
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clean energy promoted. 1.9 million new jobs created. california was working. i'm jerry brown. california needs major changes. we have to live within our means; we have to return power and decision making to the local level-closer to the people and no new taxes without voter approval. jerry brown the knowledge and know-how baccalaureate. correct. [ audience groans ] since this competition has been continuing for 48 hours and we have yet to eliminate anyone, it is the decision of this board to declare all 20 contestants winners. you have all competed admirably. admirably. a-d-m-i-r-a-b-l-y. admirably. [ male announcer ] at&t is making high speed internet affordable for only $14.95 a month with select services. at&t. rethink possible.
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